redesign with the Hyper Menu concept
The Hyper Menu / Bar is an accessory to help users and customers or in this case Nike fans to easily find content and see updates on in a different way. Think of it as a status menu or status bar or notification bar on a website. Depending on your preferences, the Bar / Menu only shows updates on items / products you like and will display these notifications every time you log in
The Hyper Menu / Bar is an accessory to help users and customers or in this case Nike fans to easily find content and see updates on in a different way. Think of it as a status menu or status bar or notification bar on a website. Depending on your preferences, the Bar / Menu only shows updates on items / products you like and will display these notifications every time you log in
Scenario: Let's say I am fan of Air Max; Hyper Bar / Menu in it's settings will give me the option of adding Air Max to my favourite collections. - Hyper Bar now based on that configures content based on my options and Hyper Menu / Bar will use pop notifications or will display the featured and latest content based on my choices and preferences.
1. One domain that is customised for every single user. All user experiences will be personalised.
1. One domain that is customised for every single user. All user experiences will be personalised.
2. It's different and it stands out.
3. It aims to make your shopping site cleaner
3. It aims to make your shopping site cleaner
4. User friendliness

This is the default view of the with a Hyper Menu

The default view of the with a mini pill style bar. When you click on the images in the pill bar the content appears in a light box over the site content.

When you are reading notifications using the Hyper Bar this is what it looks like

This is where you can change your settings and adapt to your favourite style or preferences

The Hyper Menu / Bar is still under conception. Hopefully it becomes a web design trend one day.
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